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Born En Caul

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This baby here was born ‘en caul’ which means that the baby was born still in its amniotic sac.

This is a fascinating photo and a fascinating (and rare) type of birth for the birth nerds amongst us but there’s 2 other important things to gain from looking at this photo.

1. Opposed to popular belief, this photo is evidence that waters don’t have to pop for you to be in labour. Babies can, in fact, be born with their waters still intact.

2. For most baby’s, they are not swimming in a giant balloon of amniotic fluid. If you look at the top of this baby’s head, the membranes are very close to baby’s head. If you then imagine that baby’s head tightly in a pelvis acting as a plug- you can see why some women second guess themselves on whether baby’s waters have gone or is it just a little bit of pee. Sometimes the waters trickle out, which NEVER happens in the movies, right?! Don’t always expect a flood gate and always call in if you suspect your waters have gone.

Two of my babies have been born with waters still intact when their heads were born. It was like giving birth to a little astronaut ?‍?

Has anyone got an interesting story to share on their waters breaking?

You can read the comments and join in on the conversation here.

Photo creds @janabrasilfotografia

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